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An Empirical Study on the Success Factors of Inter-Firm Alliances for New Product Development: With a Focus on the SMEs in Korea  

Suh, Sang-Hyuk (Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Hoseo University)
Ko, Jong-Ook (Department of Urban Administration, Anyang University)
Lee, Sun-Young (Marketing Management Department, Gumi University)
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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / v.1, no.1, 2012 , pp. 71-91 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to identify the major determinants of performance of the R&D alliances, with an aim toward raising the success rate in cooperative relationships. In particular, this study assesses whether the success factors of purchasing relationship identified in the literature apply equally to SMEs in Korea. The results of this study indicate that inter-firm cooperation, experienced cooperation, and efficiency of government support have positive impacts on the purchase rate of new products. On the other hand, R&D intensity and resources of competencies of the firm do not influence it. Additionally, market attractiveness does not moderate the effects of the five independent variables on the purchase. The extracted determinants according to the results of surveys give valuable and practical hints to the SMEs when they make a decision on their R&D alliances with large enterprises.
R&D alliances; purchase rate of new products; R&D intensity; resources and competencies of the firm; market attractiveness;
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