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Constitutional Amendment for Post-industrial Society  

Buh, Gyoung-Ho (기초과학연구원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.21, no.3, 2018 , pp. 1179-1206 More about this Journal
Korea has entered into a post-industrial era with the Constitution of the industrial age, which defines 'science technology' as a means for national economic development. For Constitutional amendment for the new era, it is necessary to identify the "inertia of the industrial age" adhered to the Constitution. To this end, I analyzed the Constitution concerning 'science-technology' with comparative legal study and diachronic approach. The "inertia of the industrialization age" implied by the Constitution is as follows. First, it is constriction of 'science and technology'. In the Constitution, science is subordinate to technology, technology is limited to science. Second, it marks 'science and technology' as a means for economic development. Third, 'innovation' in Article 127 is still conceived as 'development or promotion'. The 'science' must be liberated from the means for industrial technology, and the 'technology' must be convergent with diversity and creativity. In addition, a constitutional provision acknowledging various influences of science and technology other than economic development is required, which means constitutional declaration of 'science and technology state principle'. Finally, in the era of so-called 'the Fourth Industrial Revolution', the Korean national innovation system(KNIS) should be re-established within the framework of the Constitution. In the post-industrial era, the pursuit of technological innovation system should based on individual freedom and creativity to the best in all areas of science, technology, politics, economy, society and culture. Therefore, renaissance of Article 5 of the constitutional Constitution is required for the KNIS, which had made 'Creativity' the basic character of the state along with 'Liberty and Equality'.
Constitution; Science and Technology; Innovation; Creativity; Post-Industrialization; Fourth Industrial Revolution;
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  • Reference
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