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The Effect of Proactive Personality on Creativity : Direct Effect, and Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification and Competitive Climate  

Park, Owwon (가톨릭대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.21, no.2, 2018 , pp. 838-859 More about this Journal
Under highly uncertain environment, the importance of creativity has been emphasized to maintain firm's competitive advantage. To identify the antecedents in boosting creativity at the individual level, this study analyzed the direct effect of proactive personality on creativity. In addition, this paper also proposed and tested the moderating effects of organizational identification and competitive climate on the relationship between proactive personality and creativity. Empirical results using 127 R&D researchers at three major R&D institutes of large-firm in Korea revealed that proactive personality significantly enhanced the creativity. Moreover, organizational identification and competitive climate have positively strengthened the effect of proactive personality on creativity. Finally, implications, limitations, and direction of future studies were discussed.
Creativity; Proactive Personality; Competitive Climate; Organizational Identification; R&D;
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