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The Impact of Technological Competitiveness in the ICT Convergence Technology on Corporate Diversification  

Lee, Hyunmin (연세대학교 경영연구소)
Kim, Sun Jae (한국과학기술기획평가원)
Kim, Hong Young (한국과학기술기획평가원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.21, no.1, 2018 , pp. 385-419 More about this Journal
This study suggests an integrated model composed of factors of industrial environments and technology capacity for corporate diversification decision based on industrial organization theory and resource based perspectives. We examine the proposed model using patents and financial data of 272 applicants for 6 years (2010~2015) in the smart factory ICT convergence technology (application and platform field) sectors. The result of analyzing the fixed effect panel model shows that technological competitiveness has a positive effect on corporate diversification. Also, the additional result of analyzing the two-stage least square fixed effect model indicates that the convergence patent ratio increases technological competitiveness. Based on the results, we provide implications for corporate diversification strategies and government R & D policies for commercialization of corporate convergence technology resources and competencies.
Smart factory; ICT convergence technology; Technological capability; Patent citation network; Panel model analysis;
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