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Does WGB (Work-Growth Balance) Improve Innovative Behavior?  

Tak, Kyung-Woon (호서대학교 일반대학원 테크노경영학과)
Suh, Sang-Hyuk (호서대학교 일반대학원 테크노경영학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.20, no.3, 2017 , pp. 754-780 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to investigate whether WGB (Work-Growth Balance), an area of WLB (Work-Life Balance) improves Interpersonal Harmony, Creative Effort and Innovative Behavior in the organization, and whether Interpersonal Harmony and Creative Efforts have indirect effects on the relationship between WGB and Innovative Behavior. To test the hypothesis of this study, PROCESS Macro by Hayes (2013) was used. The results showed that WGB, Interpersonal Harmony, and Creative Effort influenced Innovative Behavior and WGB were variables that influenced Interpersonal Harmony. The variables influencing Creative Effort turned out to be WGB and Interpersonal Harmony. The indirect effect of Interpersonal Harmony and Creative Efforts was also confirmed in the relationship between WGB and Innovative Behavior. In addition, the magnitude of the effect between parameters was examined through Process Macro analysis. It turned out that there is a synergy relationship between WGB, Interpersonal Harmony, Creative Efforts and Innovative Behaviors. In future, more researches on WGB among various industries as well as mediating variables are expected. Further research is needed to study the various parameters of WGB and innovation behavior, and to Balance of Work-Family and Balance of Work-Leisure.
WGB (Work-Growth Balance); Interpersonal harmony; Creative effort; Innovative creative effort; Innovative behavior; Process macro;
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