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A Study on the Improvement of Systemicity and Compatibility in The Framework Act On Science And Technology  

Yoon, Chongmin (충북대학교 법학전문대학원)
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Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.17, no.1, 2014 , pp. 95-123 More about this Journal
Recently, as the role of science and technology in social domain is more increased and the creative economy becomes a important matter in national development strategy, it is necessary that the improvement of legal system on science and technology for efficiently responding to paradigm shift into Innovation driven science and technology policy. Especially, The Framework Act On Science And Technology as a general and basic norm on science and technology policy is necessary to revise in systematic and substantial aspect in order to correspond with changed environment and current of the times. The Framework Act On Science And Technology was established in 2001 and revised several times, but substantial amendment reflecting the political facts as the need to demand was insufficient because it was revised only related with restructuring the government organization and changing the S&T Policy Coordinating Committee system. And therefore, this paper aims to review the problems and complementary factors and suggest the improvement draft on The Framework Act On Science And Technology. According to study, the revision methodologies are following : first, the Chapter and Paragraph of the law should be restructured to improve the systemicity, next the comprehensiveness, effectiveness, connections with related special laws and compatibility of the law should be complemented by adding the new provision or amending the inadequate provision to improve the position and function as a general and basic norm.
The Framework Act On Science And Technology; General Norm on Science and Technology Policy; Laws of Science and Technology; Legal System Improvement; Amendment of Law;
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