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A Case Study on the Development of an ICT Convergence Innovation Cluster for Creative Economy  

Im, Jongbin (경기과학기술진흥원)
Kim, Yeseul (건국대학교 밀러MOT스쿨)
Chung, Sunyang (건국대 기술경영학과, 밀러MOT스쿨)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.17, no.1, 2014 , pp. 1-24 More about this Journal
The new Korean government sets its main policy direction as Creative Economy. The Creative Economy can be defined as a growth strategy that establishes new companies, enhances the competitiveness of established companies and creates new markets, industries and jobs in consequence of combining of creative imagination, science and technology and ICT. In this context, the concept of innovation cluster, which aims to foster technological innovations from an organic ecosystem perspective, can be a valid policy instrument for attaining Creative Economy. Innovation cluster can and must make a contribution to achieving the Creative Economy of Korea. In particular, the ICT Convergence Innovation Cluster will be a good strategy for this purpose. Based on this conceptual background, this paper analyzes a recently notable case of an ICT Convergence Cluster in Korea, Pangyo Technovalley (PTV). We argue that the Pangyo Technovalley is a representative cluster of converging ICT and science and technology. We identify the major factors for successful development of ICT cluster: regional government's flexible response to environmental change, careful pre-planning and balance between private and public involvement. In addition, we also found that additional factors, settlement condition for securing good workforce, agglomeration of various innovation actors for promoting convergence, and cluster network revitalization are also important for implementing the creative ICT convergence cluster.
Creative Economy; Innovation Cluster; ICT Convergence; ICT Convergence Cluster;
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