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Exploring Interventions and Treatments for the Children of Alcoholics: Focusing on Psychological Aspects  

Park, Mi-Sook (서울한영대학교 재활상담심리학과)
Publication Information
Science of Emotion and Sensibility / v.25, no.2, 2022 , pp. 101-110 More about this Journal
Alcohol abuse negatively affects the individual alcoholics and their families, including children. This paper investigates interventions that help children of alcoholics psychosocially and psychopathologically. We investigated domestic and international literature by searching the related databases and reviewing articles. Inclusion criteria were studies on psychological interventions for children of alcoholics (CoAs) or both CoAs and parents. Results suggest that the interventions help CoAs reduce their emotional and behavioral problems. After the review, the research results were discussed, and suggested further effective interventions. The study is valuable because it reviewed the studies that improved CoAs' psychological problems and suggested future directions
Alcoholism; Children of Alcoholics; Interventions; Psychosocial; Psychopathological;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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