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The Effect of Advertising Location in Printed Media Advertisement for Multiple Products  

Park, Sang-June (School of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University)
Publication Information
Science of Emotion and Sensibility / v.18, no.3, 2015 , pp. 25-34 More about this Journal
This paper investigates effective locations for two products in printed media advertisement (in which one is the relatively higher price product and the other is the relatively lower price product), and provides some insights on the effective locations of multiple products in printed media advertisements. For the research purpose, this paper develops 4 different versions of printed media advertisement and conducts an experiment study to compare consumers' responses on the different versions: Type A(the higher price product is located at the left side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the right side of advertisement), Type B(the higher price product is located at the right side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the left side of advertisement), Type C(the higher price product is located at the top side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the bottom side of advertisement), Type D(the higher price product is located at the bottom side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the top side of advertisement). The results of the experiment show that marketers can increase consumers' choices on the both products when they locate the higher price product at the left side or the top of advertisement and do the lower price product at the right or the bottom of advertisement.
consumer choice; layout; price; printed media advertisement; product;
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  • Reference
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