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Ornithodoros sawaii (Ixodida: Argasidae) Larvae Collected from Hydrobates monorhis on Sogugul and Gaerin Islands, Jeollanam-do (Province), Republic of Korea  

Kim, Heung-Chul (5th Medical Detachment, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion)
Choi, Chang-Yong (Migratory Bird Research Center, Korea National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service)
Kwon, Young-Soo (Migratory Bird Research Center, Korea National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service)
Yun, Seok-Min (Division of Arboviruses, Center for Immunology and Pathology, National Institute of Health, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention)
Lee, Won-Ja (Division of Arboviruses, Center for Immunology and Pathology, National Institute of Health, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention)
Chong, Sung-Tae (5th Medical Detachment, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion)
Robbins, Richard G. (Armed Forces Pest Management Board, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment)
Klein, Terry A. (Public Health Command District-Korea (Provisional))
Publication Information
Parasites, Hosts and Diseases / v.54, no.2, 2016 , pp. 233-238 More about this Journal
The 65th Medical Brigade and Public Health Command District-Korea, in collaboration with the Migratory Bird Research Center, National Park Research Institute, conducted migratory bird tick surveillance at Sogugul and Gaerin Islands (small rocky bird nesting sites), Jeollanam-do (Province), Republic of Korea (ROK), on 30 July and 1 August 2009. Breeding seabirds captured by hands in their nesting burrows were banded, identified to species, and carefully examined for ticks during the nesting season. A total of 9 Ornithodoros sawaii larvae were removed from 4 adult Hydrobates monorhis (Swinhoe's storm petrel). The identification of the larvae of O. sawaii collected from migratory seabirds were molecularly confirmed using mitochondrial 16S rDNA primer sets.
Argasidae; Ornithodoros sawaii; Hydrobates monorhis; Republic of Korea;
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  • Reference
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