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The history of ginseng cultivation in Ganghwa area  

Lee, Sungdong (College of Health Science, Department of Food & Nutrition, Korea University)
Publication Information
Journal of Ginseng Culture / v.2, no., 2020 , pp. 9-16 More about this Journal
Ginseng was first addressed ever in the medical record in HyangYakGooGupBang (鄕藥救急方), the oldest Korean medical book published in Kingdom of Goryeo (918-1392) when Ganghwa was the provisional capital city at the time. It is believed that ginsengs in Ganghwa were planted and cultivated from 1100s. Intensive ginseng production in Ganghwa began when Ganghwa became the special district of the Kaesong Ginseng Union (開城人蔘組合) in 1920s, this intensive production continued till the Korean War in 1950. After the Korean War ended in 1953, ginseng production was resumed. In 1967, Ganghwa Ginseng Association (江華蔘業組合) was founded. The total acreage of ginseng harvested was nearly 200 ha in 1967 and it increased to ha 900 in 1974. By mid-1970s, Ganghwa became the largest ginseng region in Korea by total production and acreage. Most of ginseng roots cultivated in Ganghwa are six years old. Ganghwa, which was already well-known for red ginseng productions, has become even more famous for ginseng production.
Panax ginseng; Hyangyakgoogupbang; Ganghwa area; ginseng cultivation; red ginseng;
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  • Reference
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12 (검색일: 2019년 10월 20일).