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Effects of the Contact-Relax (CR) Intervention on Pelvic Alignment in Subjects with Habitual Poor Posture  

Kim, Jwa-Jun (Department of Physical Therapy, Choonhae College of Health Sciences)
Ryu, Je-Chan (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Lee, Hyeon-Seung (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Kim, Min-Ji (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Lee, Se-Rim (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Lee, Hye-Won (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Im, Sol (Department of Physical Therapy, Kaya University)
Park, Se-Yeon (Department of Physical Therapy, Uiduk University)
Publication Information
PNF and Movement / v.19, no.3, 2021 , pp. 303-310 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of the contact-relax (CR) intervention on pelvic alignment in subjects with habitual poor posture. Methods: Fifteen subjects who have habitual poor posture participated in this study. The subjects received an intervention inducing pelvic posterior depression with the elevated pelvic side. Pre- and post-intervention, and two weeks after intervention, the pelvic alignment was measured with a palpation meter (PALM) and a three-dimensional diagnostic imaging system. Results: Measuring with PALM, the pelvic height and anterior tilt angle were significantly decreased immediately after and were still decreased two weeks after intervention, compared to the pre-measurement (p<0.05). Three-dimensional pelvic alignment was also significantly different between measurement points, while the pelvic position (pelvic lateral tilt) was significantly decreased after intervention (p<0.05). Conclusion: By applying the intervention generating CR on an elevated pelvis, frontal pelvic alignment can be improved.
Pelvic measurement; PALM; Rasterstereography;
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