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Generational Conflicts in Korea : Power, Ideological and Cultural Conflicts  

Park, Jae-Heung (경상대학교 사회과학대학 사회학과)
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Korea journal of population studies / v.33, no.3, 2010 , pp. 75-99 More about this Journal
This paper aims to examine the causes and features of current generational conflicts in Korea and to discuss their implications. The data utilized in the study include collective data on presidential and general elections and secondary data obtained from empirical research. The findings are as follows. First, generational power conflicts express itself by struggles among generations concerning the timing of political power transfer. An average age of assemblymen decreases consistently regardless of changes in overriding ideological atmosphere in general - conservative vs. liberal. Second, ideological conflicts among generations were highly intensified around 2002 presidential election, but gradually moderated since 2004 general election. The conflicts might be re-intensified if a set of conditions were satisfied. Third, cultural conflicts between older and younger generations were contrasted around three cultual axes: economic growth with top priority vs. consumerism, collectivism vs. individualism, and authoritarianism vs. post-authoritarianism. To ease strained relations between generations, intergenerational programs were suggested.
Generational conflicts; Power conflicts; Ideological conflicts; Cultural conflicts;
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  • Reference
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