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Occupational Aspirations of College Students in Korea : The Effect of Social Capital and Cultural Capital  

Shim, Kyoung-Sub (한국리서치 여론조사본부)
Seol, Dong-Hoon (전북대학교 사회학과)
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Korea journal of population studies / v.33, no.2, 2010 , pp. 33-59 More about this Journal
This paper intends to find the determinants of the occupational aspirations of college students in Korea. According to Wisconsin model, the occupational aspiration of youth has a statistically significant influence on his or her actual education level and occupation choice implying that the more motivated with high-level occupational aspiration will obtain the higher level of occupation. The analysis for this study is based on the survey of undergraduate students' perception, attitude and lifestyle in Korea 2004, which was conducted against 1,947 respondents, and multiple regression model was utilized. The dependent variable for occupational aspirations was measured by the Standard International Occupational Prestige Scale (SIOPS) of Donald J. Treiman. Independent variables include social capital and cultural capital as well as demographic variables, socio-economic status, and human capital variables. Social capital variable was measured by the position generator scale of Nan Lin and Mary Dumin, and cultural capital variable was done to our original index. This study shows that social and cultural capitals are factors having significant influence on occupational aspiration, in addition to the well-known factors such as gender, human capital and the occupation of father.
Status attainment; Wisconsin model; Occupational aspiration; Prospective occupation; Social capital; Cultural capital;
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