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A Study on the Transformation of Family Policy in Germany - Focused on Political Ideologies and Instruments of Major Political Parties  

이진숙 (대구대학교 사회복지학부)
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Korea journal of population studies / v.25, no.1, 2002 , pp. 145-179 More about this Journal
This study explores the change of family policy in Germany focused on political ideologies and instruments of CDU/CSU and SPD. In past 50 years after the 2. world war the family policy in Germany has been influenced by ideologies of 2 major political parties. With conservative political perspectives, CDU and CSU intend to strengthen the institution family and traditional division of domestic work. Therefore, they prefer indirect support methods by income tax benefit for family as political instrument. SPD with liberal political perspectives intends to support working married women and children. As political instrument SPD prefers allowance for child to indirect support system. This different political perspectives of 2 major parties have been reflected automatically on the federal administrative system(BMFSFJ) which takes responsibility of family policy in Germany. Through the analysis of attitudes to family policy of major parties in Germany this paper attempts to be manifest the problem of korean family policy and to find implications of german modell.
Family Policy; Germany; Family; Woman; Political Party;
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  • Reference
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