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E-Business Strategies : The Antecedents and Consequences  

Koo, Chul-Mo (인하대학교 BK21)
Kim, Yona-Jin (뉴욕주립대학교 Binghamton)
Nam, Ki-Chan (서강대학교 경영학과)
Publication Information
E-business strategy has interests in Issues of strategic positioning and its impact on firm performance. These studies address the environmental factors as antecedents to strategic decision makings and its consequences such like firm performance. However most studies has not considered the role of business models In explaining e-business firm performance. We adopt Porter's generic strategies to the e-business context. We Identify business models and e-business environmental factors as antecedents and then examine these factors Influence on firm performance. We find that uncertainty of environment has a negatively related to the strategic choices of e-Business firms; in contrast, market turbulence positively affects the level of adoption of all the strategies. Among the strategies, marketing differentiation only makes an Impact on firm performance.
Porter's Generic Strategy; e-business Model; Firm Performance;
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