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Growth and photoluminescence of the strained ZnTe/ZnMnTe single quantum well  

ZnTe/ZnMnTe single quantum well of high quality was grown by hot-wall epitaxy, in which ZnMnTe layer was used as a barrier. It was found that ZnTe well layer was under severe strain. Very sharp luminescent peaks of the heavy-hole exciton (el-hhl) and the light-hole exciton (el-lhl) were observed from the photoluminescence (PL) measurement. As the well layer thickness increases, the peaks associated with excitons of (el-hhl) and (el-lhl) were shifted toward the lower energy side. The temperature dependence of the PL peak intensity was well explained by the thermal activation theory.
ZnTe/ZnMnTe single quantum well; Tensile strain; Photoluminescence; Hot-wall epitaxy;
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