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The Determinants of Change in Residential Size of Households in the Seoul Metropolitan Area: According to the Patterns of Residential Mobility  

Jung, Suyoung (성균관대학교 국정전문대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association / v.37, no.3, 2021 , pp. 19-36 More about this Journal
This study examined the determinants of change in residential size according to the patterns of residential mobility in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. Particularly, this study examined the upward and downward in residential size, which is emerging as an important factor in the era of increasing non-face-to-face environment. For the empirical analysis, I used 「2018 Korea Housing Survey」 and employed binary logistic regression model. The empirical analysis shows the change of residential size is statistically significant depending on the direction of geographic. In addition, there are differences in the determinants of change in residential size. When people move within Seoul, housing factors, accessibility, age of residents, and the number of household members can be the determinants. When people move from Seoul to Gyeonggi or Incheon, housing factors, safety, gender, and the number of household members work as determinants. On the other hand, when moving from Gyeonggi or Incheon to Seoul, whether it is studio or not, housing type, accessibility, the number of household members, and the disability of homeownership are the determinants. When moving within Gyeonggi or Incheon, housing factors, Accessibility to green areas, safety, age of resident, income, and the number of household members, are the determinants.
Residential Size; Residential Mobility; Seoul Metropolitan Area; Binominal Logistic Regression;
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  • Reference
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