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Characteristics of Heat Transfer of Natural Convection for Magnetic Fluids in Annular Pipes  

Park, J.W. (동아대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
Jun, C.H. (동아대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
Seo, L.S. (동아대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
Ryu, S.O. (삼척대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
Compared with Newtonial fluids, magnetic fluids have effects on magnetic force. In this study, the purpose is to research the heat transfer characteristic of magnetic fluids which have metalic and fluid characteristics as the external pipe is being cooled and internal pipe is heated. This study found the experimental results from the study of the variety of natural convection for magnetic fluids and the characteristics of the heat transfer by using numerical analysis according to the strength and direction of the magnetic fields from being imposed from the outside. Natural convection of magnetic fluids was controlled by the impressed magnetic fields, and the result of mean nusselt number was calculated. If the impressed magnetic field is in the direction of gravity or the strength of impressed magnetic field is more than -14 mT in the opposite direction, the heat transfer is more than that without the impressed magnetic field. If the strength of impressed magnetic field is less than -14 mT in the opposite direction, it is smaller than that without the impressed magnetic field. Especially, when the strength of the magnetic field is -14 mT, the heat transfer was at the minimum.
Magnetic fluids; Magnetic fields; Natural convection; Annular pipes;
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