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A direction of specific program for single households in Healthy Family Support Centers - focused on Seoul  

Song, Hyerim (Dept. of Child and Family Welfare, Ulsan Univ.)
Yoon, So-Young (Korea Culture & Tourism Institute)
Koh, Sun-Kang (Dept. of Social Welfare, Seongshin Women's Univ.)
Kang, Eunjoo (Dept. of Child and Family Welfare, Ulsan Univ.)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.24, no.3, 2020 , pp. 1-17 More about this Journal
This study aimed to suggest the direction and guideline of specific program for single households in the Healthy Families Support Centers. This study focused on Seoul area. To collect the data the in-depth interviews for 9 staffs managing the program for single person in field are progressed. The major results were as follows. First, we found the demand and validity of a specific program for single person households. Because they are different each other in the context of age, sex, marriage experience, everyday life and need for program. So the specific programs can give higher satisfaction to the single person household. Second, to manage the specific program effectively in field we need the retraining of staffs, sharing materials between centers and other institutions, presentation and communication about the information on program management in field.
single households; Healthy Families Support Center; Program-Specification-Model;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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