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The mediating effects of family communication and family ties in the pathway of the family economic status to family life difficulties : in Wonju City  

Chung, Hyunju (Dept. of Social Welfare, Seoul Cyber University)
Song, Sari (Dept. of Social Welfare, Yeoju University)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.23, no.4, 2019 , pp. 41-56 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of economic status on the difficulties of family life focusing on the mediating effects of family communication and family ties. A total of 386 people were surveyed, and data from 352 were used for the actual data analysis. For the analysis, technical statistical analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and a Sobel test were conducted. The results were as follows.: First, the correlation analysis confirmed that there are statistically significant correlations among the economic status of households, family communication, family ties, and the difficulties of family life. Second, the economic status of households directly influences the difficulties of family by mediating family communication and family ties. This study identified that family communication and family ties affect the improvement of difficulties in family life. It suggests that improving economic status, promoting communication among family members, and strengthening family ties can help solve the difficulties of family life.
household economic status; family life difficulties; family communication; family ties; mediating effect;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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