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A Study on the Influence of Families' Health Level on Married Men's Life Satisfaction  

Seo, Jong Soo (Dept. of Family Welfare, Daegu University)
Cho, Hee Keum (Dept. of Family Welfare, Daegu University)
Lee, Jae-Beab (Dept. of Family Welfare, Daegu University)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.20, no.4, 2016 , pp. 19-34 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of family health on life satisfaction. A survey was conducted on 577 married men from August 29 to September 22 in 2014; it was handed out via mail and hand delivery. The families's health level of married men was, strength of family relations was 3.79, the strength of environment relations was 3.41, and the strength of resources was 3.38. The families's health level of married men was family relation was 3.93, job satisfaction was 3.58, dietary life satisfaction was 3.47, and housing satisfaction was 3.16, leisure satisfaction and income satisfaction was 3.35. Further, the study shows that the health level of families is related to life satisfaction. Specifically, the strength of family relations is related with dietary satisfaction, family relations satisfaction, work life satisfaction, and housing satisfaction. The strength of environment relations is related with dietary satisfaction, life satisfaction, and leisure satisfaction. Thus, this study showed the need for more social support to improve the health levels of families and life satisfaction.
families' health level; life satisfaction; married men;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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