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A study for the balance between Work and Family of married working women : focused on the families with the child(ren) of lower grades  

Song, Hyerim (Department of Child and Family Welfare, Univ. of Ulsan)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.18, no.3, 2014 , pp. 41-59 More about this Journal
This study investigate the balance between work and family of married working women. Data from 12 married working women who have child(ren) in age 7-9. was collected through in-depth interviews. The interviews was to examine their child-caring and the balance between work and family. The results show that the child(ren)'s age, the quality of after school program, the time to go to work and out of work, the type of work and labor flexibility were the important factors which affect the everyday child-caring. The respondents were unsatisfied with their balance between work and family, especially they felt that their leisure time is insufficient, but they seemed to accept this unbalance to some extent because they recognize the child-caring is more important than their balance between work and family in this life cycle. In conclusion the public support for the child-caring of dual-earner families with the child(ren) in lower grades has to be more extended because the support system and services for this life cycle are weak and insufficient compared with the support system for the child(ren) of the preschool ages. The currently public services for child-caring are still far from their needs to achieve the balance between work and family. So the whole child care support policies and systems are to be continued with more balanced perspectives and practical programs.
balance between work and family; married working women; child caring; child(ren) from the lower grades of elementary school;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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