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Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis for Shallow Soft Soil Deposits  

Park, Hong-Gun (서울대학교 건축학과)
Kim, Dong-Kwan (서울대학교 건축학과)
Lee, Kyung-Koo (단국대학교 건축공학과)
Kim, Dong-Soo (한국과학기술원 건설및환경공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.14, no.5, 2010 , pp. 1-12 More about this Journal
This study presents a finite element analysis method that can accurately evaluate the nonlinear behaviour of structures affected by shallow soft subsoils and the soil-structure interaction. A two-dimensional finite element model that consists of a structure and shallow soft subsoil was used. The finite element model was used for a nonlinear time domain analysis of the OpenSees program. A parametric study was performed to investigate the effects of soil shear velocities, earthquake input motions, soft soil depth, and soil-structure interaction. The result of the proposed nonlinear finite element analysis method was compared with the result of an existing frequency domain analysis method, which is frequently used for addressing nonlinear soil behavior. The result showed that the frequency domain analysis, which uses equivalent secant soil stiffness and does not address the soil-structure interaction, significantly overestimated the response of the structures with short dynamic periods. The effect of the soil-structure interaction on the response spectrum did not significantly vary with the foundation dimensions and structure mass.
Finite element analysis; Soil-structure interaction; Response spectrum; Soft soil; Time domain analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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