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A Study on Seismic Source and Propagntion Characteristics using a Series of 12 Fukuoka Earthquakes  

Kim, Jun-Kyoung (세명대학교 자원환경공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.1, 2007 , pp. 89-97 More about this Journal
Parameters including the seismic sources and the elastic wave propagation characteristics were analysed using the observed ground motions from 12 Fukuoka region earthquakes. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was applied to invert all the variables non-linearly and simultaneously with S wave energy in fiequency domain. Average stress drop of 12 events and local attenuation parameter $\kappa$ under seismic stations were estimated to about 79.2-bar and 0.043 respectively. Regional attenuation parameter, Qo and ${\eta}$, were also estimated to be about 248.1 and 0.558 respectively. Low value of Qo seems to caused by inhomogeneous tectonic characteristics between Japan island and southern Korean peninsula. $\kappa$ values are much higher than that characterizing EUS (Eastern United States) region, and nearly similar to that of WUS (Western Waited States) region. If the informations on site specific amplification of all the seismic stations are known, $\kappa$ values can be estimated more precisely. All the values including the seismic sources and the site and crustal scale propagation characteristics can be used as seismic design parameters.
Levenberg-Marquardt inverse algorithm; stress drop; fo; $\kappa$; Qo; ${\eta}$;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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