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Characteristics of Energy Dissipation in Nano Shock Suspension System Using Silica Gel  

문병영 (동서대학교)
정성원 (밀양대학교 기계공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.7, no.3, 2003 , pp. 17-22 More about this Journal
This paper presents an experimental investigation of a reversible colloidal seismic damper, which is statically loaded, The porous matrix is composed from silica gel (labyrinth or central-cavity architecture), coated by organo-silicones substances, in order to achieve a hydrophobic surface. Water is considered as associated lyophobic liquid. Reversible colloidal damper static test rig and the measuring technique of the static hysteresis are described. Influence of the pare and particle diameters, particle architecture and length of the grafted molecule upon the reversible colloidal damper hysteresis is investigated, for distinctive types and mixtures of porous matrices, Variation of the reversible colloidal damper dissipated energy and efficiency with temperature, pressure, is illustrated.
colloidal damper; none-technology; porous silica; hysteresis curve; shock absorber; energy dissipate;
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  • Reference
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