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Computerized Modules for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Buildings  

Hwang, Sunwoo (Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
Kim, Taejin (Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
Kim, Jong-Ho (Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.20, no.4, 2016 , pp. 269-276 More about this Journal
Seismic performance evaluation of existing building usually needs much time and man power, especially in case of nonlinear analysis. Many data interaction steps for model transfer are needed and engineers should spend much time with simple works like data entry. Those time-consuming steps could be reduced by applying computerized and automated modules. In this study, computational platform for seismic performance evaluation was made with several computerized modules. StrAuto and floor load transfer module offers a path that can transfer most linear model data to nonlinear analysis model so that engineers can avoid a lot of repetitive work for input information for the nonlinear analysis model. And the new nonlinear property generator also helps to get the nonlinear data easily by importing data from structural design program. To evaluate the effect of developed modules on each stages, seismic performance evaluation of example building was carried out and the lead time was used for the quantitative evaluation.
Seismic performance evaluation; Computerized module; Nonlinear analysis model;
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  • Reference
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