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A Study on the Static Eccentricities of Buildings Designed by Different Design Eccentricities  

Lee, Kwang-Ho (인하대학교 건축학부)
Jeong, Seoung-Hoon (인하대학교 건축학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.16, no.5, 2012 , pp. 33-40 More about this Journal
To reduce the vulnerability of torsional irregular buildings caused by seismic loads, the torsional amplification factor was introduced by the seismic code. This factor has been applied differently in a variety of seismic codes. In this study, the final static eccentricity, and the lateral and torsional stiffness ratios of buildings designed with different design eccentricities were compared. The increment of the torsional amplification factor resulted in a decrement of the final static eccentricity of the building. However, after reaching the maximum value of this factor, the final static eccentricity of the building increased again. The final static eccentricity of the building designed by multiplying the sum of the inherent and accidental eccentricity by the torsional amplification factor was zero or had a minus value, depending to the position of the vertical element.
Torsional amplification factor; Torsional imbalanced buildings; Design eccentricity; The final static Eccentricity; Seismic code;
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  • Reference
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