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Experimental Investigation of the Lateral Load Capacity and Strength Characteristics of a Steel Plate Concrete (SC) Shear Wall  

Cho, Sung-Gook ((주)제이스코리아 기술연구소)
So, Gi-Hwan ((주)제이스코리아 기술연구소)
Kim, Doo-Kie (군산대학교, 토목공학과)
Kwon, Min-Ho (경상대학교, 공학연구원, 토목공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.16, no.5, 2012 , pp. 23-32 More about this Journal
Research on steel plate concrete (SC) structures for the modularization of nuclear power plants have been performed recently in Korea. In this study, the seismic capacity and stiffness characteristics of unstiffened SC shear walls under the effects of earthquakes were investigated through static pushover tests. Failure modes, sectional strength, and stiffness characteristics of SC structures under lateral loads were inspected by analyzing the experimental results. The strengths obtained by the experiments were also compared with those derived by the design code of the SC structures. One of the main failures of unstiffened SC shear walls was found to be the type of bending shear failure due to the debonding of the steel plate at the concrete interface. The ductility capacity of SC structures was also confirmed to be improved, which is considered to be a confining effect on steel plates in the longitudinal behavior of SC structures.
Steel plate concrete structure; Seismic capacity; Stiffness characteristics; Pushover test; Failure mode; Sectional strength;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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