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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Steel Moment Frames in Korea Using Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis  

Kim, Tae-Wan (강원대학교 건축공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.16, no.4, 2012 , pp. 1-8 More about this Journal
Domestic steel moment resisting frames were designed in accordance with the former KBC2005 and the current KBC2009, and then their seismic performance was evaluated in accordance with FEMA355F by utilizing nonlinear dynamic analysis. The results from the procedure in FEMA355F were different with those from the capacity spectrum method utilizing nonlinear static push-over analysis. In particular, the domestic steel moment resisting frames have a weak panel zone, so their behavior can be estimated more precisely by nonlinear dynamic analysis. The domestic steel moment resisting frames satisfied the performance goal if located at a site class $S_B$ or $S_C$, regardless of the story number and the response modification factor. However, if they are located at a site class $S_D$ or $S_E$, performance goal satisfaction cannot be guaranteed. No matter what standard is used for the design, KBC2005 or KBC2009, the domestic steel moment resisting frames may possess satisfactory seismic performance if the site condition is relatively good.
Korea; Steel intermediate moment frame; Panel zone; Seismic performance evaluation; Nonlinear dynamic analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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