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Earthquake Response Analysis of an Offshore Wind Turbine Considering Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction  

Lee, Jin-Ho (서울대학교 BK 21사회기반건설사업단)
Lee, Sang-Bong (삼성건설 상품기술연구소)
Kim, Jae-Kwan (서울대학교 건설환경공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.16, no.3, 2012 , pp. 1-12 More about this Journal
In this study, an analysis method for the earthquake response of an offshore wind turbine model is developed, considering the effects of the fluid-structure-soil interaction. The turbine is modeled as a tower with a lumped mass at the top of it. The tower is idealized as a tubular cantilever founded on flexible seabed. Substructure and Rayleigh-Ritz methods are used to derive the governing equation of a coupled structure-fluid-soil system incorporating interactions between the tower and sea water and between the foundation and the flexible seabed. The sea water is assumed to be a compressible but non-viscous ideal fluid. The impedance functions of a rigid footing in water-saturated soil strata are obtained from the Thin-Layer Method (TLM) and combined with the superstructure model. The developed method is applied to the earthquake response analysis of an offshore wind turbine model. The method is verified by comparing the results with reference solutions. The effects of several factors, such as the flexibility of the tower, the depth of the sea water, and the stiffness of the soil, are examined and discussed. The relative significance of the fluid-structure interaction over the soil-structure interaction is evaluated and vice versa.
Offshore structure; Wind turbine; Earthquake response; Fluid-structure interaction; Soil-structure interaction;
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