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Seismic Performance of Gravity-Load Designed Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Frames  

Han, Sang-Whan (양대학교 건축공학부)
Park, Young-Mi (한양대학교 건축환경공학과 BK21)
Rew, Youn-Ho (한양대학교 건축환경공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.14, no.3, 2010 , pp. 31-38 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance of gravity-designed post tensioned (PT) flat plate frames with and without slab bottom reinforcement passing through the column. In low and moderate seismic regions, buildings are often designed considering only gravity loads. This study focuses on the seismic performance of gravity load designed PT flat plate frames. For this purpose, 3-, 6- and 9-story PT flat plate frames are designed considering only gravity loads. For reinforced concrete flat plate frames, continuous slab bottom reinforcement (integrity reinforcement) passing through the column should be placed to prevent progressive collapse; however, for the PT flat plate frames, the slab bottom reinforcement is often omitted since the requirement for the slab bottom reinforcement for PT flat plates is not clearly specified in ACI 318-08. This study evaluates the seismic performance of the model frames, which was evaluated by conducting nonlinear time history analyses. For conducting nonlinear time history analyses, six sets of ground motions are used as input ground motions, which represent two different hazard levels (return periods of 475 and 2475 years) and three different locations (Boston, Seattle, and L.A.). This study shows that gravity designed PT flat plate frames have some seismic resistance. In addition, the seismic performance of PT flat plate frames is significantly improved by the placement of slab bottom reinforcement passing through the column.
Analytic model; Flat plate; Post tensioned; Slab column connection; Bottom-reinforcement;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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