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Performance Test of C-shape Steel Base Isolation System  

Jung, Dae-Yu (인천광역시 도시재생국)
Shim, Chul-Hwan (에스코알티에스 기술연구소)
Park, Hyung-Ghee (인천대학교 토목환경시스템공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.13, no.4, 2009 , pp. 25-35 More about this Journal
This paper introduces the performance of a newly developed base isolation system made from the combination of a polyurethane disk - attached pot bearing and C-shape steel dampers. Ultimate compressive load tests, ultimate rotation tests, dynamic tests, and dynamic load repeat tests have been completed to determine dynamic characteristics and to verify performance characteristics. The experimental results are compared with the analytic results. It is determined that all requirements for bridge bearing in the specifications are satisfied, and that adequate energy dissipation has occurred. The EDC and effective stiffness estimated by tests are similar to the theoretical values.
Base isolation system; Performance test; Steel damper;
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  • Reference
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