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Base Isolation Performance of Friction Pendulum System using Magnetic Force  

Hwang, In-Ho (한양대학교 토목공학과)
Shin, Ho-Jae (풍림산업)
Lee, Jong-Seh (한양대학교 토목공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.12, no.4, 2008 , pp. 55-61 More about this Journal
One of the most recent base-isolation systems to improve the earthquake resistance of structures is the Friction Pendulum System(FPS). Simple in design but with versatile properties, the FPS has been used in some of the world s largest seismically isolated buildings, bridges and chemical tanks. FPS using PTFE(Polytetrafl-uoroethylene) based material has been developed to provide a simple and effective way for structures to achieve earthquake resistance. PTFE materials are soft, and are apt to become deformed easily after a few working cycles. In this study, magnetic force is used rather than the usual PTFE materials to improve the material shortcomings. A MF-FPS(Magnetic force-Friction Pendulum System) is proposed, and us shown to effectively protect structures against earthquakes. To demonstrate the advantages of this new system, the MF-FPS is compared with FPS as an attempt to prove its performance. A six-degree-of-freedom model is considered as a numerical example. The ground acceleration data of El Centro, Mexico and Gebze earthquakes are used as seismic excitations. The results showed that MF-FPS improved performance compared with FPS.
base Isolation System; FPS; magnetic force; coefficient of friction;
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  • Reference
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