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Development of Site Classification System and Modification of Design Response Spectra Considering Geotechnical Characteristics in Korea  

Kim, Dong-Soo (한국과학기술원 건설 및 환경공학과)
Yoon, Jong-Ku (한국유지관리 주식회사 지반설계사업부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.4, 2007 , pp. 65-77 More about this Journal
Site response analyses were performed based on equivalent linear technique using shear wave velocity profiles of 162 sites collected around the Korean peninsula. The site characteristics, particularly the shear wave velocities and the depth to the bedrock, are compared to those in the western United States. The results show that the site-response coefficients based on the mean shear velocity of the top 30m ($V_{S30}$) suggested in the current code underestimates the motion in short-period ranges and overestimates the motion in mid-period ranges. The current Korean code based on UBC is required to be modified considering site characteristics in Korea for the reliable estimation of site amplification. From the results of numerical estimations, new regression curves were derived between site coefficients ($F_{a}\;and\;F_{v}$) and the fundamental site periods, and site coefficients were grouped based on site periods with reasonable standard deviations compared to site classification based on $V_{S30}$. Finally, new site classification system and modification of design response spectra are recommended considering geotechnical characteristics in Korea.
Site response analysis; Response spectra; Site coefficient; Site period; Local site condition; Shallow bedrock depth; Site classification system;
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  • Reference
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