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Development of Seismic Analysis Model and Time History Analysis for KALIMER-600  

Koo, Gyeong-Hoi (한국원자력연구원)
Lee, Jae-Han (한국원자력연구원)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.3, 2007 , pp. 73-86 More about this Journal
In this paper, a simple seismic analysis model of the KALIMER-600 sodium-cooled fast reactor selected to be the candidate of the GEN-IV reactor is developed. By using this model, the seismic time history analysis is carried out to investigate the feasibilities of a seismic isolation design. The developed simple seismic analysis model includes the reactor building, reactor system,, IHTS piping system, steam generator, and seismic isolators. The dynamic characteristics of the simple seismic model are verified with the detailed 3-dimensional finite element analysis for each part of the KALIMER-600 system. By using the developed simple seismic model, the seismic time history analyses for both cases of a seismic isolation and non-isolation design are performed for the artificial time history of a SSE (Safe Shutdown Earthquake) 0.3g. From the comparison of the calculated floor response spectrum, it is verified that the seismically isolated KALIMER-600 reactor building shows a great performance of a seismic isolation and assures a seismic integrity.
Sodium-cooled fast reactor; KALIMER-600; Simple seismic analysis model; Seismic isolation design; Seismic time history analysis;
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  • Reference
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