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Signal Analysis from a Long-Term Bridge Monitoring System in Yongjong Bridge  

Kim, Sung-Kon (Seoul National University of Technology)
Koh, Hyun-Moo (Seoul National University)
Lee, Jung-Whee (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST))
Bae, In-Hwan (New Airport Hiway, Co.)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.10, no.6, 2006 , pp. 9-18 More about this Journal
This paper presents schematically the monitoring system installed in Yongjong Bridge, a self-anchored suspension bridge located in the expressway linking Seoul and Incheon International Airport. Automatic measurement of instrumented civil engineering structures is now widely applied for behavior monitoring during construction in field as well as long-term monitoring for lifetime assessment of bridge structures. A representative example of results that can be acquired through structural health monitoring system is presented by means of data measured during a few years after the opening of the bridge. In order to effectively measure the tension force for hangers that have relatively short length or high tension force, a static tension measurement device has been explored. Newly equipped railway system on the existing bridge results in change of dead load, consequently dynamic characteristics have also been changed. This result can be detected by the monitoring system during and after railway construction.
Yongjong Bridge; monitoring system; tension measurement; structural change;
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  • Reference
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