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Comparison of Rotational Strength in Shoulders with Anterior Instability and Normal Shoulders Using Isokinetic Testing  

Lee, Dong-Ki (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, University College of Medicine, Anam Hospital)
Kim, Tae-Kwon (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, University College of Medicine, Anam Hospital)
Lee, Jin-Hyuck (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, University College of Medicine, Anam Hospital)
Lee, Dae-Hee (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, University College of Medicine, Anam Hospital)
Jung, Woong-Kyo (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, University College of Medicine, Anam Hospital)
Publication Information
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow / v.15, no.2, 2012 , pp. 79-85 More about this Journal
Objective: It has been expected that patient with posttraumatic recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation might have limited daily life activity because of pain and apprehension of dislocation. But there have been only a small number of investigations regarding the rotator strength in this patient. The aim of this study is to find the characteristics about rotator strength of patient with posttraumatic recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation using an isokinetic testing. Method: We enrolled thirteen patients with posttraumatic recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation and fifteen sex, age-matched healthy nonathletic subjects in this controlled study. All participants were male and there were no significant differences between the two groups in age, height, weight, BMI. Isokinetic internal rotator and external rotator strength was evaluated with a Biodex Isokinetic Testing machine (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, NY, USA), tests were performed at 60 deg/sec and 180 deg/sec for both sides. Peak torque normalized to body weight, external rotator to internal rotator ratio, total work and fatigue were calculated for each angular velocity. The association between internal rotator and external rotator strength and shoulder instability was analyzed by comparisons with a control group. Results: Any notable differences could not be found between the two groups given all data from no symptomatic left shoulder. There were no significant differences between the two groups statistically in internal rotation strength of right shoulder. However, there has been a tendency that at all angular velocities, external rotator peak torque to body weight, total work and external rotator to internal rotator ratio were significantly lower in the anterior instability group than the control group at all angular velocities. There was no substantial difference between those groups with respect to the fatigue of external rotator and internal rotator in our study. Conclusion: The prominent characteristics of posttraumatic recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation are external rotator weakness and loss of balance with external rotator and internal rotator. Therefore selective training using this information rotator might be helpful in conservative treatment and rehabilitation.
Shoulder; Anterior instability; Isokinetic muscle strengthening test;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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