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The Effects of the Collaborative Marriage Skills Program : Self-Esteem, Communication Behavior, and Marital Satisfaction of Married Couples  

Choi, Kyu Reon (Dpt. of Child & Family Welfare, The University of Suwon)
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Journal of Family Relations / v.18, no.2, 2013 , pp. 3-21 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of the Collaborative Marriage Skills Program on self-esteem, communication behavior, and marital satisfaction of Korean married couples. Each 11 married couples of the experiment group and the control group were analyzed. The effects of this program was evaluated by pretest and posttest, and follow-up measure 2 months later. It was analyzed by Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank Test. According to this study, This program was effective to increase the level of self esteem, communication behavior(eg ; utilizing communication skills, productive expression of emotion), and marital satisfaction among experiment group. Also this program was to decrease the level of destructive expression of emotion among experiment group. Namely, experiment group showed significant enhancement of self-esteem, communication behavior, and marital satisfaction compared to those of control group. These effects maintained mostly at follow-up. Future research and practical implications were added.
The Effects of Collaborative Marriage Skills Program; self-esteem; communication behavior; marital satisfaction;
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