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A Study on the Construction Date of the Five-story Stone Pagoda at the Dongsa-ri Temple Site in Buyeo  

Kang, Samhye (Fine Arts Division at the National Museum of Korea)
Publication Information
MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal / v.99, no., 2021 , pp. 50-71 More about this Journal
The Five-story Stone Pagoda from the Dongsa-ri Temple Site in Buyeo, dated to early Goyeo Dynasty, is valuable in that it is the southernmost example of the capital Kaesong pagoda style. This pagoda exhibits characteristics of the central Goryeo style featured in the pagodas built in and around the capital Kaesong, such as the diagonally curved section of the support for the cover stone above the upper stereobate. It also shares stylistic affinities with eleventh-century stone pagodas. The ansangmun (elephant eye patterns) in the lower stereobate of the Dongsa-ri Five-story Stone Pagoda resemble those in the pedestal of the Stone Seated Buddha (which was likely repaired in 1028 during the reign of King Hyeonjong), at the Jeongrimsa Temple site in Buyeo. It also reflects elements found in the flagpole supports from the Cheonheungsa Temple site in Cheonan. The sculpting techniques used in these patterns are also similar. Such congruencies suggest that the Dongsa-ri Five-story Stone Pagoda was built in the eleventh century. The Dongsa-ri Temple Site in Buyeo, located near the Geumgang River, served as a principal route for transporting grain-tax during the Goryeo Dynasty. It was also situated along the way to the Goryeo royal temple, Gaetaesa Temple. The geographical significance of the site and the extensive repairs undertaken at Jeongrimsa Temple during the reign of King Hyeonjong (r. 1009-1031) of the Goryeo Dynasty appear to have impacted the production of the Dongsa-ri Five-story Stone Pagoda. The Dongsa-ri Five-story Stone Pagoda also bears stylistic resemblances to the stone pagoda and flagpole supports found at neighboring Cheonheungsa Temple, which is presumed to be related to the establishment of Honggyeongsa (or Honggyeongwon) Temple in 1021 in Cheonan. This indicates the route of the transmission of the Kaesong pagoda style. The Five-story Stone Pagoda from the Dongsa-ri Temple Site pays testimony to the cultural accomplishments of eleventh-century stone artworks in Buyeo and adjacent regions. This pagoda embodies the majestic and assertive aesthetics that define of the Goryeo Dynasty, as do early Goryeo colossal Buddhist sculptures, including the Stone Standing Maitreya Bodhisattva at Daejosa Temple in Buyeo, the Stone Standing Buddha Triad at Gaetaesa Temple in Nonsan, and the Stone Standing Maitreya Bodhisattva at Gwanchoksa Temple in Nonsan. All of these bear similarities to the massive stone lantern and pagoda at Hyeonhwasa Temple in the capital Kaesong. The production of the light, sleek, sharp, and sophisticated Dongsa-ri Five-story Stone Pagoda is presumed to reflect the maturity of the cultural competence of the people in Dongsa-ri, Buyeo under the influence of Buddhist culture from the capital Kaesong during the eleventh century, a time marked by active cultural exchanges among regions.
Diagonal support for a curbstone; ansangmun (elephant eye pattern); tabernacle; Five-story Stone Pagoda from Dongsa-ri temple site; early Goryeo stone pagoda; Kaesong style stone pagoda; Cheonheungsa Temple Site; Jeongrimsa Temple Site; King Hyeonjong of the Goryeo Dynasty;
Citations & Related Records
연도 인용수 순위
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