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A Study on the date of the black glazed bowls with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" of Jian ware  

Lee, Heegwan
Publication Information
MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal / v.100, no., 2021 , pp. 82-110 More about this Journal
This study specifically examined the date of the black glazed bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" of Jian ware, one of the key research topics related to the bowls. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. Jian Kiln produced various shapes of black glazed bowls, but almost all of the inscriptions of "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" are found only in two certain type bowls: Type I, the Shukou type bowls (束口碗), or Type II, the Piekou type bowls (撇口碗). Of these, there are significantly more of the former in existence. For Type I bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)", the mouth of the bowls is slightly evaginated outwards, and the inclination angle of the side slope is about 50°. The shape feature, Shukou (束口) is formed which is slightly indented around the bowl about 0.3~0.5cm below the mouth of bowl. And the height of the bowls is relatively low compared to other Type I black glazed bowls produced by Jian Kiln, so the height divided by the diameter is 0.5 or less. There is little difference in shape between the black glazed bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御) and those with "Jinzhan (進琖)". However, taking into consideration the excavation situation of both type bowls, the former is considered to be ahead of the latter in terms of production date. On the other hand, the black glazed bowls of Jian ware, which have the same shape features as the Type I bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" have not been found in the tombs dating from the end of the 12th to the beginning of the 13th century from which typical Jian kiln black glazed bowls of the same type were excavated. For the Hakata site (博多遺址) in Japan, the black glazed bowls with such a shape feature were excavated from early 12th century sites, rather than from the late 12th to early 13th century sites at which the typical black glazed bowls of Jian kiln were found. Considering that the black glazed bowls from Fujian province were imported into Hakata with almost no time gap, it is very unlikely that the production time of Type I black glazed bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" will deviate from the early 12th century. In conclusion, it is considered that the black glazed bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)" of Jian ware were produced in the early 12th century.
Jian kiln; the black glazed bowls marked with "Gongyu (供御)" or "Jinzhan (進琖)"; Date; Shukou type black glazed bowls; Luhuaping site; Hakata site;
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  • Reference
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