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Stable Isotope Measurement of Ammonium Using HPLC-RTS (high performance liquid chromatography-retention time shift)  

An, Soonmo (Department of Oceanography, Pusan National University)
Lee, Jiyoung (Department of Oceanography, Pusan National University)
Gardner, Wayne S. (The University of Texas Marine Science Institute)
Publication Information
The Sea:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEANOGRAPHY / v.18, no.1, 2013 , pp. 47-52 More about this Journal
Despite the usefulness of nitrogen isotope tracer experiments in nitrogen cycling studies, there are not such many measurement data mainly due to the difficulties in analytical methods. Although Gardner et al. (1996) developed a relatively simple and accurate method that can measure ammonium isotope using HPLC and used it widely in various N dynamics studies, the technique was not adopted to other laboratories. An HPLC-RTS system using updated HPLC pumps that can perform the same measurements as that of Gardner et al. (1996) was built. The result of standard sample showed linear increase of RTS with the $^{15}N$ proportions. Centroid retention times calculated with Matlab$^{(R)}$ program enhanced the linearity of the response. In a sea water incubation experiment spiked with $^{15}NH_4{^+}$, the uptake and regeneration of ammonium could be separately estimated using the temporal change of $^{15}N/^{14}N$.
ammonium isotope; HPLC; retention time shift; nitrogen cycling;
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