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Effect of Turbulence on the Plankton Behavior: Mechanical Perspective of a Process for Developing Thin Layers  

Hwang, Jin Hwan (Dongguk university-seoul, department of civil and environmental engineering)
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The Sea:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEANOGRAPHY / v.17, no.4, 2012 , pp. 283-291 More about this Journal
The present work reviews some mechanism explaining how thin layer can develop in the near coastal zone. The existence of thin layer was observed by physical research methods later than classical biological approaches. The Richardson number, which is a ratio between the stratification and shear stress is crucial factor determining the occurrence of thin layer. Micro-structure turbulence seems to affect the plankton behavior, in particular the encountering rate. Encountering rate affects significantly feeding, reproduction etc. and this fact was proved by the mechanical simulation methods. Recently the Gyrotaxis was introduced to explain how thin layer occurs in the mixing layer. Such physical approaches to explain ecological problem will be prominent methods for marine ecological research area.
Thin layer; Turbulence; Stratified flow; Plankton behavior; Biomechanics;
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