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Suggestions on the Estuarine Research Projects for Integrated Estuarine Management in Korea  

Cho, Hyun-Jeong (Myongji University)
Ryu, Jong-Seong (Anyang University)
Lee, Kang-Hyun (National Institute of Environmental Research)
Lee, Bum-Yeon (Myongji University)
Kang, Dae-Seok (Pukyong National University)
Khim, Jong-Seong (Korea University)
Nam, Jung-Ho (Korea Maritime Institute)
Lee, Chang-Hee (Myongji University)
Publication Information
The Sea:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEANOGRAPHY / v.16, no.4, 2011 , pp. 212-222 More about this Journal
Estuaries have been used competitively and exploited for the past decades in Korea. To preserve the environment of the estuaries from the integrated perspective, new policies have started to change such exploitative development in 2000s. Due to the poor knowledge-base, however, there has been a lack of support system which enables to execute such policies effectively. The present study was conducted to figure out the limits of the estuarine management research projects in Korea, which is being performed to overcome these limitations. It was studied through Gap Analysis between domestic and foreign advanced practices as well as Analytical Hierarchy Process on expert survey in terms of the three aspects: how well the estuarine management research projects in Korea meets the demands of policy making and administration; raises the awareness of citizens about the merit of environmental preservation; and establishes knowledge-based support system. This project turned out to reflect adequately the development of programs for building estuarine management systems. But consideration of other ministries was relatively scarce. But the contents which directly support community-based activities and educational programs to improve citizens' awareness were judged to be insufficient. According to the results of Gap Analysis, research about the structure and function of estuarine ecosystems, which can support to develop policy alternatives in detail, was relatively more necessary. Therefore, to support estuarine policy management effectively, the development of a realistic plan, which can overcome fundamental issues inherent in the Korean environmental management system and the limitation of the estuarine management research projects in Korea itself, is needed.
Integrated estuarine management; Estuarine research projects; AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process); Gap analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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