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Fish Assemblages Collected using a Beam Trawl in a Sheltered Shallow Water of Doam Bay in the Southern Coast of Korea  

김종빈 (국립수산과학원 남해수산연구소)
강창근 (국립수산과학원 환경관리과)
장대수 (국립수산과학원 남해수산연구소)
김영혜 (국립수산과학원 남해수산연구소)
조규대 (부경대학교 해양학과)
Publication Information
The Sea:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEANOGRAPHY / v.8, no.3, 2003 , pp. 307-316 More about this Journal
Fish assemblage structure in a sheltered shallow water in the Southern Coast of Korea was examined monthly. Sampling was conducted in Doam Bay using a beam trawl between March 2001 and February 2001. A total of 53 fish species from 33 families were caught. Pinkgray goby (Chaeturichthys hexanema), ponyfish (Leiognathus nuchalis) and yellowfin goby (Acanthogobius favimanus) were the most frequent species, comprised 67.4% of the total numbers captured. Snailfish (Liparis tanakai), yellowfin goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and pinkgray goby (Chaeturichthys hexanema) represented 50.8% of the total biomass. While total abundance (number of individuals) and biomass were high in autumn and winter, species richness (number of species) and diversity were high in spring. Cluster analysis, based on monthly abundance data of the 14 most frequent species, showed that the species were separated into three different groups. Group A composed of pinkgray goby, yellowfin goby, robust tonguefish (Cynoglossus robustus) and scaly hairfin anchovy (Setipinna taty), which were year-round residents, and devil flathead (Onigocia spinosa), Red dragonet (Repomucenus lunatus) and ponyfish, which were abundant in autumn, group B surmullet (Upeneus japonicus), hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) and gaff-topsail goby (Cryptocentrus filifer), which were abundant in summer, and group C grassfish (Liparis tanakai), spotted velvefish (Erisphex pottii), chameleon goby (Tridentiger trigonocephalus) and Richardson dragonet (Repomucenus richardsonii), which were abundant in winter and spring. A seasonal homogeneity of fish assemblage indicates that overall fish assemblage in Dom Bay is largely controlled by year-round residents.
Fish Assemblage; Community Structure; Coastal Habitat; Doam Bay;
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