The Study on the Seasonal Variation of Microbial Community in Kyeonggi Bay, Korea II. Nano-and Microzooplankton
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(인하대학교 해양학과)
최중기 (인하대학교 해양학과) |
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Measurement of prey uptake by marine planktonic ciliates fed plastidic and aplastidic nanoplankton.
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Response of the microbial loop to the phytoplankton bloom in a large prealpine lake.
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Dynamics of size-fractionated phytoplankton and trophic pathways on the Scotian Shelf and at the shelf break, Northwest Atlantic.
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Size-cifferential control of phytoplankton and the structure of plankton communities
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Microphagous ciliates in mesohaline Chesapeake Bay waters: estimates of growth rates and consumption by copepods.
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Autofluorescence of marine planktonic Oligotrichina and other ciliates.
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Mixotrophy in marine planktonic ciliates: ultrastructural study of Tontonia appendiculariformis (Cililphora, Oligotrichina)
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Metabolism of photosynthate in the chloroplast-retaining ciliate Laboea strobila.
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Global production of heterotrophic marine planktonic ciliates
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Estimation the organic carbon content of phytoplankton from cell volume or plasma volume.
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A study on the seasonal succession of copepod community in Kyeonggi Bay
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Respiration, photosynthesis and carbon metabolism in planktonic ciliates.
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Prey size selection, feeding rates and growth dynavics of heterophic dinoflagellates with special special emphasis on Gyrodinium spirale.
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Protozoans in two southeastern blackwater rivers and their importance to trophic transfer.
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Seasonal variation in abundance and size structure of phytoplankton in Baie des Chaleurs, southwestem gulf of St. Lawrence, in relation to physical oceanographic conditionsl
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Ecology of Protozoa.
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Phagotrophic protozoa as for metazonas: a 'missing' trophic lind in marine pelagic food webs?.
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Symbioses in marine microplankton.
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Large proportion of marine plandtonic cilates found to contain functional chloroplasts.
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Grazing by protists and seasonal changes in the size structure of protozllplankton and phytoplankton in a temperate nearshore environment (western Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada).
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Summertime ciliate and copepod nauplii distributions and micro-zooplankton herbivorous activity in the Laizhoru Bay, Bohai Sea, China.
DOI ScienceOn |
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Microzooplankton distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea with emphasis on the relative abundance of ciliated protozoans.
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An experimintal investigation of a flagellate-cileate-copepod food chain with some observations relevant to the linear biomass hyprthesis.
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Bacterivory by prlagic choreotrichous ciliates in coastal waters of the NW Mediterranean Sea.
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Thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellates: Feeding behavior and mechanisms.
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Structure of plankton communities in the Dogger Bank area (North Sea) during a stratified situation.
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Seasonality and abundance of ichthy-oplankton in Great South Bay, New York.
DOI ScienceOn |
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Planktonic community structure determines the fate of bacterial production in a temperate lake.
DOI ScienceOn |
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The ecology of the plankton off La Jolla, California, in the period April through September, 1969. Pt. IV. Numerical abundance and estimated Biomass of microzo-oplancton.
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Length and weight relationship of Acartia steueri(Copepoda: Calanoida) in Ilkwang Bay, Korea.
과학기술학회마을 |
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Dynamics of ciliate abundance, biomass and community composition in an oligotrophic coastal environments(NW Mediterranean).
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Quantitative importance and trophic role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in a coastal pelagic food web.
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Standing crops and vertical distribution of four of marine planktonic dioiates in relation to phytoplankton chlorophyll a.
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Significance of planktonic ciliated protozoa in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Comparison with bacterial, phytoplankton, and particulate organic carbon.
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Bacterivory and herbivory: key roles of phagotrophic protists in pelagic food webs.
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전북 새만금 남쪽 해역의 유해성 적조 발생 연구. 2. 1999년도 여름-가을 종속영양성 와편모류와 섬모충류의 시간적 변화.
과학기술학회마을 |
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인천연안 미소형 및 소형 동물플랑크톤의 생태학적 연구.
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Grazing rate of the tintinnid Stenosoella ventricosa (Clap.& Lachm.) Jorg. on the spectrum of the naturally occurring particulate matter form a Mediterranean neritic area.
DOI ScienceOn |
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경기만 수역에서 미세생물 군집의 계절적 변동 연구. Ⅰ. 박테리아와 종속영양 미소 편모류.
과학기술학회마을 |
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Seaxonal abundances of planktonic ciliates and microflagellates in mesohaline Chesapeake Bay waters.
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An ecological study on Marine Tintinnids(Ciliated Protozoa; Order Tintinnida) in Cheonsu Bay
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An experimentally determined carbon: volume ratio for marine "oligotrichous" ciliates from estuarine and coastal waters.
DOI ScienceOn |
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Microbial dynamics in coastal waters of east Antarctica: herbivory by heterotrophic dinoflagellates.
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Planktonic ciliates in Southampton water: abundance, biomass, production, and role in pelagic carbon flow.
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Feeding-relative ecology of marine protozoa.
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Geographical and seasonal variations in abundance, biomass and estimated production rates of microzooplankton in the Inland Sea of Japan.
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The annual cydle of protozooplankton in the Kiel Bight.
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Am empirical analysis of zooplankton community size structure across lake trophic gradients.
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Seaxonal studies on the rdlative inportance of different size fractions of phytoplankton in Narragansett Bay (USA)
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경기만에서 식물플랑크톤 군짐구조와 색소의 월간 변동.
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The annual cycle of the heterotrophic planktonic ciliatis in the waters surrounding the Isles of Shoals, Gulf of Marine: an assessment of their trophic role.
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Microzoo;oankton assemblage: their distribution, trophic role and rdlationship to the environmental variable.
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Partitioning of the food ration marine ciliates between pico- and nanoplankton.
DOI ScienceOn |
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The trophic role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in diverse marine envitonments.
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The roles of heterophic protists in the planktonic community of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea.
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Microplankton growth, grazing, and community composition in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
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한국연안의 미세생물 먹이망내에서 종속영양 외편모류의 역할에 관한 연구.
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Population dynamics of heterotrophic dimoflagellates durig a Gymnodinium mikimotoired tide in the Seto Inland Sea.
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인천 연안 미세생물 먹이망 내에서 부유 운생동물의 포식율에 관한 연구.
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Planktonic ciliated protozoa their distribution and rdlationship to environmental variables in a marine coastal system.
DOI ScienceOn |
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The use of DAPI for identifying and counting aquatic microflora.
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The distribution of protozoaacross a trophic gradient, factors controlling their abundance and importance in the plankton food web.
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Phytoplankton and cholrophyll recommendations for biological studies in the Baltic Sea.
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Ecology of pfanktonic diliates in marine food webs.
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Pelagic ecosystem structure: heterotrophic components of the plankton and their relationghip to plankton size fractions.
DOI ScienceOn |
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The ecological role of water-column microbes in the sea.
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만경·동진강 염하구에서 섬모충류에 의한 박테리아 섭식에 관하여.
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전남고흥해역의 유해성 적조의 발생연구. 3. 1997년도 종속영양성 와편모류와 험모충류의 시공간적 변화.
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Relationships between iorica volume, carbon, nitrogen and ATP content of tintinnids in Narragansett Bay.
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Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of Greenland during the stratifieh summer situation. Ⅱ. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates.
DOI ScienceOn |
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