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Estimation of cost value of container handling according to vessel's size - Focus on time value cost -  

Song Yong-Seok (Division of Distribution Manager, Dong-Eui University)
Nam Ki-Chan (National Korea Maritime University)
Hur Yun-Su (Busan Development Institute)
Nowadays, vessel's size is tending to bigger, Therefore port facilities are developed according to this trend, which has been shown in the competition of Hub-Port among the main ports such as Port of Busan and Port of Shanghai. However there are the limited number of large containerships more specifically so 70% of the total ships calling at Busan Port are small and medium sized ships which are less than 20,000 ton As a result, it is necessary to consider the handling facilities of these ships which had been disregarded The big size of facilities increases handling cost bemuse of high investment so it is possible for small and medium sized ships to have disadvantages financially and avoid calling. In this paper, we estimate the propriety of utilization of crane and labor according to the size of vessels after analyzing time value cost, reflecting the size of vessels, size and number of crane and labor structure, and container handling cost value.
Mega ship; Port; Time value-cost; Crane; Propriety;
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  • Reference
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