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Manning Structure and Navigation Skills of the Period of Chosun appeared in POHAE-Rok  

Kim, Sung-June (Research Fellow of Korea Maritime University)
It has not been well known to the publics about the manning structure and navigation skills of the period of Chosun CHOI Bu left several records on the crews and navigation skills in his book PYOHAE-Rok. Though PYOHAE-Rok the record of Drifting across the Sea, written by CHOI Bu in 15th century, has been studied by many scholars from the Korean Sea Literary viewpoints, no one was interested in the above book from a maritime history standpoint until now. In this paper the author tried to find out the manning structure of ship and navigation skills in the period of Chosun Finally the author would like to explain the reasons CHOI's ship could succeeded in reaching mainland CHINA but CHANG Han-cheol's ship was wrecked.
Choi bu; Chang han-cheol; Pyohae-rok; Seaman; Navigation skill;
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  • Reference
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