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A Study on the Coherence of the Definitions of Scientists and Engineers in Korean Laws and Policies  

KIM, Bomi (한국산업은행)
PARK, Mun-su (단국대학교)
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Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.20, no.1, 2020 , pp. 87-112 More about this Journal
Since the 2000s, South Korea has made great efforts to nurture scientists and engineers. In 2004, the Special Act on Supporting Scientists and Engineers for Strengthening National Science and Technology Competitiveness was established to secure scientists and engineers and improve their qualities. This special act has served as a basis for official policies for nurturing and supporting scientific manpower and as a reference for various laws relevant to the issue. However, there is a debate about whether the term ''scientist and engineer'' (이공계 인력) used in this act is appropriate. Thus, this paper critically analyzed the concept of "Scientists and Engineers" from the perspective of inclusiveness, consistency and interconnection. As a result, it is found that interconnectedness is high, as the term is widely used in other laws, but that there is a lack of inclusiveness and consistence. In recent years, those who did not major in science and engineering are employed in jobs related to science and technology, although they would not be counted as ''science and engineering work force'' in the traditional sense of the term. This trend will grow further in the future. In response to these changes, it is necessary to expand or revise the definition of ''scientist and engineer'' to include a broader range of people engaged in science and technology fields (과학기술인).
Scientist and Engineer; Special Act on Support of Scientists and Engineers for Strengthening National Science;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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