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교실은 어떻게 '스마트'해지는가?  

JEONG, Hanbyul (한국과학기술원 과학기술정책대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.19, no.3, 2019 , pp. 201-246 More about this Journal
Information technology is sometimes considered as a cause that puts education in a big crisis, or it can be seen as a savior. In 2011, the Korean government announced that it would innovate education and build a talented nation by bringing IT into schools of public education system through the SMART education policy. The policy initiative aimed to establish a standard classroom models that can be diffused all over the country's schools so that teachers and students may become familiar of using devices such as tablet PCs and laptops. This paper analyzes how the smart classrooms caused friction in the actual education practices. To this end, I analyzed the direction and ideals of the SMART education policy by reading government policy document and design guidelines officially published, and visited three elementary schools that are actually building and operating a smart classroom environment to visit the facilities and have in-depth interviews with teachers and technicians. The ideal type of classroom proposed by the smart education policy was a package equipped with various functions at once in a neatly designed space like a "model house", but it was difficult to be used as a normal classroom in everyday life of school. Instead of copying and installing the model, each school decided to get "smart" in its own way, depending on how factors such as size, local characteristics, socioeconomic conditions of students and teachers, teacher experiences, and the level of existing infrastructure were combined. In Elementary School A, the machines tamed specific space of the school to create their own space, while following the rules of the school for being mobile. Although Elementary School B could not construct fully supported environment that encompassed the entire school, the system was organized with the help of well trained teacher's experiences in other schools. In Elementary School C, the machines are concentrated on specific classrooms and they promote teacher's professionalism. The components of the smart classroom were disassembled and recombined in context to make each school's classroom "smart".
Smart; School; Information Technology; Model; Infrastructure;
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